OMG! now i got so hot with this blog! yeah, it's a new blog, so it's normal i think.
ok i wanna tell you a story about my trip, which is called Study Tour, but not all of it, just a little part.
in study tour, we learn some things by visiting companies or something. it has to be relaxing, if it's not, it can not called as Study Tour i think. and i got it!
it was a very nice trip, we go somewhere new for me, i got a lot of experience there.
ok a little part i wanna tell you is RAFTING. rafting is usually called as Arung Jeram-is it the same? because vita, my friend tell me that it's same.
we do rafting in groups of five or six. we made our own group. and i easily get my friends as partner. firstly, we're just five until we got to the progo river, the place we did it, but suddenly a girl named T*nya E*wina came to me and ask me to permit her to join my group, and of course i did.
so momentarily when we wanted to go to the river, we got the new one.
we took the balloon-boat, we jumped in to it after we prepared ourselves , using helmet, life vest, and something necessary.
and the journey began, our boat was moving slowly. firstly, i guess it would be a challenging journey, because it's my FIRST! once again, it's my FIRST!! but i was wrong.
we rowed the paddle, and we got to the first cascade, we crossed it over. and we got further and further until some of us fell to the river, hit the stone. but you know? there's one of us fell herself into the river, she's T*nya, a new comer. we didn't know her reason, but we just kept our confusion of her inside. she cried almost all the trip after she got down and slipped to the under side of the boat and Ingga-one of my teammate- accidentally stepped her, so she couldn't do inhale. so many strange things she did, but i don't wanna write it down.
this is the photo

i was sitting in the front left side, using red helmet and blue life vest.
we're Luthfi, Vita, Tari, Ingga, Tanya, and Me.
ok readers, i feel it's enough for this post.
so, stay away from drugs! stay close from my blog! and love our culture!