the fifth?

'why do i feel sad inside? what the hell is a reason of it?' i ask to myself.

and i answer it to myself

'because i can't do anything make her happy, i can't. i'm too coward to treat her like what he did.'

'what do i have?'

'that's it! i have nothing, nothing to be showed off, and nothing to be proud of. just all the "no" and "nothing"'

guys, don't ever feel like that
maybe you don't have what other have
maybe sometimes you feel jealous with other
but that's nothing
do you get something from it?
do you feel better by doing it?
i guess no.

'but that's the fact!'

yeah, that's the fact, i know it
but you don't know that you are the one that make it gets worse and worse.

just live your life the way you are
because you won't ever be like others
because you will make your own way someday
and because God has given what's best for you.
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